Gallery of "Waffle Weave" Cotton Blend Robes

Thankyou for visiting the Waffle Weave Robe Gallery. Here you will find some examples of personalised cotton blend robes that are ideal as Bridal Gifts, Hens Night Gifts, Sweet 16th present, Anniversary gift, 21st Gift, and Mothers day gifts just to name a few.

Waffle robes can be posted anywhere in Australia (Pickup from our shop in Kalamunda WA welcome).


The following is a pricing guide for Waffle Weave Robe with Embroidery. Please call or email us if you would like a quote on any variation of the below packages.

  • $65.00 - Pure Indulgence Waffle Robe (No Embroidery).
  • $8.80 - Embroidery onto front chest location.
  • $13.50 - Embroidery onto back of robe (example.. Bride, Bridesmaid, etc..).

The Waffle Weave Robes are available in WHITE ONLY. Please email us if you have any questions.

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